Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Morning watch
This Yoron family had a long wait
for the new sun of 2014 to appear


Rather an unspectacular start to 2014 .  
Deep cloud banks on the sea's horizon 
blocked out the birth of the new sun.
It peeked out briefly an hour later but 
didn't make a full appearance until 
well after the morning's marmalade.

Morning walkies was a little disrupted 
by an unusually crowded beach.
On my return leg, these sun seekers, bored with waiting
for its appearance, were playfully tossing a coconut husk 
between themselves, much to Duke's consternation.
For the last few weeks it has been his favourite
pee target.  
Hope they washed their hands before morning o-mochi 
(traditional New Year rice balls).

Monday, December 30, 2013

Island security
For some of the geriatrics 
who work the fields on the island 
it's often a long trudge back 
to the homestead.
So they leave their gear 
lying around at the work place.
This strimmer has been craftily hidden under a bucket.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Japan has numberless associations 
where bureaucrats can find a lucrative niche 
for their many years of retirement. 
Typical is the JBA, the Japan Bicycle Association. 
A recent report reveals that it pays one retiree 
as much as ¥2 million a month (plus expenses)
to reside in Europe and keep an eye on developments 
in the German bicycle industry.
Another lucky fellow in the high ranks of the JMBBTAO, 
(but perhaps not as highly paid) 
marched into our Yoron hostelry over the holidays 
and was toasted by members of the YUBAW 
(Yoron Union of Brits and Allied Worker).  
He declined our pleas to demonstrate with some chopsticks.
However, a rewarding outcome of his visit 
was that YUBAW members
have received official sanction to undertake 
non-profit twirling within specified borders.

Identity deleted on request 
(as his wife believes he was attending 
an international twirlers' conference.)

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Once more a solemn but animated Christmas meeting
of  YUBAW (Yoron Union of Brits and Allied Worker). 
Again we are pleased to report  the attendance of the full 
committee and, to give a bit of variety to the gathering, 
we switched things around from last year's seating plan
(and switched hats). Colin also switched drinks.
We are pleased to report that membership numbers 
have remained stable throughout the year (2) . 
There have been no reported sightings of the Oz 
whose membership was under consideration, 
so further discussion on the matter 
was tactfully tabled.
         (P.S. Things livened up later)

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Fallen idol

Looking slightly bewildered.
Bits and pieces broken in October's 
bad typhoon are still being resurrected. 
Latest is the Shisha, atop my late wife's hakka. 
 After surviving 20 years of horrendous storms
 it eventually succumbed to the blasts of T24. 
Miraculously, it was saved from destruction
by a thin wire cemented into its base.
Now it is back on its perch looking out to sea,
 its only injury the missing tip of an ear. 
Looks like it's been in a dog fight.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Winter Dawn by Erina

I must attribute this wonderful picture 
to my talented wife.
(otherwise I'll be in big trouble)

Monday, December 2, 2013

Dawn Of December
An unenthusiastic sun 
drags itself up from the sea.

With the ending of the year 
all its ferocity has dissipated.
 Now it delivers just a friendly warmth 
as I work outside. 
No more sweat-soggy undies. 
Time for a warm fleece at sunset
 and cosy 'jamas  at night.
I love it.