Thursday, November 8, 2012

In my very first blog I don't want to start by talking about me 
but about three very significant events that occurred one weekend 
in April 2011. 
First, Prince William spent his last night as a bachelor. 
Second, Duke spent his first night as a Brackin.  
And third, I won the Yoron Island Golf Championship.

How Duke (that's him in the cup) 
found us is an enduring mystery.
The nearest farm is half-a-click 
away and he could hardly walk.

Here's how he looked on that first night.
And now he seems to have settled in.

But enough about dogs.
Yoron Island - that's where I live. The only other 'foreigner' here is a friendly Scot
who set up this blog site for me, me being a computer hick.
"Don't make 'em too long', he advised, 'people get bored'.
Okay. Brevity.
Where was I ?
Ah, the island.  Here's Yoron from space 

And here's a close-up.

Yoron's main claim to fame is that it appeared in an award winning movie
called…(hang on a minute)….'Megane' (eyeglasses)
This brought a huge influx of 23 tourists, one of whom we met 
- a large German lady - wobbling down the lane in a bikini and with 
a carpet bag big enough to hold, er ... a carpet. 
She was looking for the beach. My wife kindly directed her and received 
a few umlauts as thanks.
But that's getting away from the subject, and I think you're getting bored.
So, I'll finish my first blog and ask my Scottish friend how I'm doin'.

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