Sunday, December 2, 2012

Bright lights have once more started to appear in the black distances of the sea.  
As bright as planets, they're a good sign - squid boats - and their presence means 
there are no storms in the offing.   
These boat lamps, used to attract the squid are huge, almost as big as American 
(Regrettably, used ones are discarded into the sea, the same fate as meets 
the fishermen's empty PET bottles and cigarette lighters, and wash up ashore.)

Squid is a local delicacy and apart from being fished commercially the wrigglies 
provide a lot of the old timers with useful activity.  Grandpa's and ma's, too old 
for the boats, splash around inside the reef often pushing a float carrying their 
keep net. Practically anything that moves goes into the net but the squid is the 
prized catch.  They are elusive creatures, perfectly camouflaged and able to 
seek refuge in the most inaccessible places.

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